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Before You Order

We deliver bulk mulch and our premium black dirt! We sell dirt and mulch by the bobcat scoop and our dump truck can haul up to four scoops. A scoop covers approximately 75 square feet when spread three inches thick. Delivery charges are per trip and are $60 for the first ten miles and $2 a loaded mile after ten. We suggest you order a little more than you think you will need because it costs the same to deliver one scoop as it does four. We can usually deliver product within a day or two of ordering but you may experience delays on weekends and during peak times. Please be specific on where you want the product dumped and indicate how you will mark the area. We love it when the area is clearly marked and visible! Pricing is computed by multiplying number of scoops, the delivery charge, any mileage surcharges (more than ten miles) and sales tax. We will invoice you by email after the product is delivered.

Delivery Form

Delivery Form - DIRT AND MULCH

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